Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente


Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente

Je fais un don J'adhère

Welcome to Movement for a Non-violent Alternative

Founded in 1974, it is a forum for exchanging ideas and suggestions on non-violence for actions to resolve conflicts.

MAN aims to put forward the specific contribution of non-violence in the everyday life, education and social and political fights. MAN wants to promote the principles and methods of non-violent strategy, to support a positive resolution of the interpersonal, intercommunity or international conflicts. By thinking, acting and training, MAN thus seeks to promote justice and freedom.

MAN is also involved in the French Committee for an Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping. This committee supports nonviolent third party intervention, as a mean to lessen violence and create the conditions for a political solution to conflict.

MAN is member of the French coordination for an education to nonviolence and peace, Non-violence XXI, Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) and is actively participating in the Democracy in Motion network.

MAN elaborates a program of analysis and experimentation on the questions of violence and security in town. Lastly, MAN helps to promote non-violence through education and the promotion of citizenship, as educating people in non-violence entails developing in the youngest of them a culture of non-violence based on positive actions.


  • Take part in the international campaign BDS for the Palestinians’ rights
  • Support non-violent actions
  • Take part in the struggle against injustice
  • Take part in several joint campaigns aimed at abolishing nuclear weapons
  • Take part in the civil nonviolent mobilisations for climate justice

Education and training
MAN offers trainings designed to associative and socio-educational actors. A professional network named IFMAN was created to answer to this demand.
Finally, MAN facilitates regular training sessions about nonviolent activism, nonviolent conflict resolution and unarmed civilian peacekeeping.